Tuesday, February 12, 2008

LHC: Curiosity that Killed at CET?

Located in Switzerland, LHC is a bold six billion dollar experiment to enable physicists to look back in time by recreating the conditions of the BIG BANG!

However, safety concerns have been expressed by many in various scientific journals, mainly pertaining to:

1. Micro blackholes, according to the 'standard calculations' these are harmless because they would quickly decay by Hawking radiation, the problem is that Hawking radiation (which is still debated) is not yet an experimentally-tested phenomenon, and so micro black holes might not decay as rapidly as calculated, and accumulate inside the earth and eventually devour it.

2. If the hypothetical Strangelets exist, and produced at LHC, they could initiate a uncontrolable fusion where the nuclei in the planet were converted to strange matter.

Anyway, sync your watches to Central European Time 10th September 2008 when the Large Hadron Collider project becomes operational, however, the first high-energy collisions are planned to take place after the LHC is officially unveiled, on 21st October, 2008.


Anonymous said...

If they did create a micro black hole in the next few months, according to theorist it will take another four years before enveloping the earth.


Anonymous said...

Oh is that great,looks like those mayan folk got it right...


Anonymous said...

With hackers breaking in, magnets failing, etc surely we can put our lives and lives of future generations in the hands of these brilliant people.